Welcome! I'm dusting off the ol' sketchbooks and getting the sketches online. I have to say that travelling with my painting sketchbook has been the most pleasurable part of being an artist and so I'm pleased to share my efforts with you.
Here are a few pics of the setup. I've got a water bin, an old listerine bottle to carry water in, masking tape, Winsor and Newton watercolors, white gouache, brushes (mostly Princeton and Robert Simmons white sable Flats), sketchbooks and a small hiking pack they all fit in. The sketchbooks are heavy weight, acid free craft paper made by Michael Roger Press and as it would happen, stopped being produced recently. Luckily I have several more stashed away. Canson makes a similar book that is currently available.
The studies are done small and quickly. Most are less than 3x5" and completed in 20 to 40 minutes.
My watercolor palette. All Winsor & Newton brand unless otherwise noted:
Permanent white designers gouache
winsor lemon
winsor yellow deep
yellow ochre
winsor orange
bright red
winsor red
permanent alizarin crimson
french ultramarine blue
pthalo blue (winsor blue greenshade)
pthalo green (winsor green blueshade)
permanent sap green
Pthalo yellow green (academy brand)
venetian red (light red or indian red)
raw umber
van dyke brown
ivory black